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December 2010

2010 Census Figures Revealed Baby Boomers are a force once again:

On 12/21/10 The Census Bureau released to the nation the results of the 2010 census.  Some states lost population and some gained with representation in the House of Representatives hanging in the balance.  Weather may have impacted the changes with northeastern states losing ground while the Sunbelt gained.  Speculation has been floated that since baby [...]

Put Mom in The Yard

Put Mom in the Yard I Have a beautiful backyard that has grown into a burden, a duty demanding my time, rather than a pleasure that fulfills me with a sense of accomplishment, as mowing, planting and pruning once did.  This “duty” now intrudes into my time playing golf, fishing, or hanging out with friends [...]

Denver and Salt Lake City

Cities across the continent, both in the USA and Canada, are initiating ordinances to allow Backyard Cottages or ADUs. These small homes are perfect for aging family members who can still control their life and their living quarters without family interruption but are still close enough to provide occasional help.